Top 5 Mysterious Short Stories


mysterious short stories

Death, the future, and unanswered questions: all revolve around the mysterious. Some people love the mysteries while others do not. Person who love mysterious things or stories, we have created a collection of mysterious short stories for them that are sure to stimulate your imagination. If you are an enthusiastic writer, these stories can inspire you to create your own. If you are a reader, these stories can enrich your imagination. So read these mysterious short stories and try to unravel things the what, how, and why things happen.

Explore the 4 Mysterious Short Stories

The Last Vacation

Four friends go on a vacation trip but one friend who is died in an accident. Three of them were shocked at how such a terrific situation could be with them. They were also not able to find his dead friend’s body and it is also sure that they had seen when his friend died in front of him. They came back to their own house, Some days later, A call was received by one of three friends, he said that his dead friend was saying “Where are you guys, how could you guys leave me alone here at Sampore place” then the phone got disconnected. Now he informs two of his other friends and says “Our friend is still alive, He is in Sampore place we have to go as soon as possible”. They all decide to that place and bring his friend back to his family. When they arrived at Sampore’s place they didn’t find him alive instead they saw him dead and lying on the ground. Three friends were shocked, how could he call us if he already died? Now they bring his dead body with us instead of alive and give it to his family members. They decide that they will not go anywhere. This was the last trip where they went and still, they are in regret just because they lost their one of best friends forever.

It is true that we forget what we experienced or felt in our past lives and then move on, but when we encounter those memories again, the past comes back to life and we feel the same feelings as before, as if it happened just yesterday. Therefore, we should live our present lives in such a way that nothing can make us weak or regretful for anything.

A Gravedigger found a girl alive in the grave.

As usual, a gravedigger was digging a grave for a funeral service and then he found a dead body that was already there. When he checked the dead body, he was astonished to see that the dead body (Beautiful girl) was still alive, breath and heartbeat were working normally. Without any second thought, he rushed to the hospital with the girl. So that he could save her life at any cost. Doctors appreciate his quick action, as the girl could have died if he hadn’t arrived on time. After that, the gravedigger returned to his work. The next morning He saw plenty of people come to bury someone in the graveyard. Again gravedigger is shocked by seeing the dead body, as she was the same person whom he brought to the hospital and saved her life. He couldn’t do anything as his work had already been accomplished and he just had to be silent there. When everyone went back to their place, the gravedigger was still eager to check the dead body whether it was still alive or not. He couldn’t resist himself to mind your own business. So He decided to dig that grave again. When he took out a dead body from the grave he found that she was still alive. Gravedigger speculated, might be their family and friends didn’t want that she should be alive. Now He quit his job and decided to bring her a safe place. From that day no one was able to find where they went and where they were.

Cursed Place

A family of four, consisting of a husband, a wife, and their two sons, decided to go on a picnic in the winter season. On their way, they got stuck in a very long traffic jam, which delayed their arrival at their destination. It was a cold winter night when they were driving to the picnic camp.

They lost their way where they were going, and after some, a man approached them while the husband was driving alone on a road. The man said, “You guys shouldn’t go this way, it’s risky here.” But they ignored him what he said and continued on their path again. Then, another man came and said, “You have entered the wrong place. Something strange is going to happen.” They ignored him as well.

After driving for a while, they realized that one of their sons was missing from the back seat of the car. Again they turned back to look for him, but they couldn’t able to find him. After a lot of searching and effort, they finally spotted their child lying on the middle of the road. They decided to leave that place, but they could not return to their home unless they couldn’t complete a task, Everyone had to accomplish the things if someone entered the cursed forest.

The man who met them before reappeared and said, “If you want to leave this place, you have to leave one of your sons here, or else you will never find your way back. You have to choose between one of your sons or your safety, Otherwise, you all will be trapped here forever and Probably you may all die here.

Again after struggling so many times, the Husband and wife decided to leave their elder son behind. Finally, They left him in the jungle and returned to their home safely. They often came back to search for their son, but they never found him. Twenty years later, when her husband passed away, she decided to go to that cursed place again. There, she met an old man who said, “Welcome, I know you came to see your son. He is still alive and has been living in this jungle since you abandoned him. He was with us. There is one condition, if you want to make him free from this place then you have to stay here forever and let him go.”

She urged him to let her see her son, but the old man refused. She agreed to his terms and conditions, that she would stay here forever and let her son go their home safely. Her son came and she saw her and smiled with tearful eyes. She couldn’t resist herself and ran towards him to meet him, even though the old man had warned her that she would lose him if she tried to meet him again.

She hugged him and said, “I’m so sorry my son for leaving you alone, I still regret it.” He said, “Mom”, and she replied, “Yes, my lovely son.” Then her son vanished from the place. She realized that the old man was right about what he said, and she had given up her son. She went back to her home alone, hoping that her son was alive somewhere in the world.

Stucked in the middle of the Ocean

One morning, a man woke up and found himself in the middle of the big ocean. He was bewildered and terrified, thinking about how he ended up in such a dangerous place. He was on a small boat with no food or shelter, and as an aquaphobe (the person who is afraid of water), he couldn’t have entered the water. He screamed for help, but no one person was around to hear him. He survived for four days without any food and failed to find any fish. He tried everything so that he could return home safely, but nothing worked.

On the fifth day, he was close to death when a spark of hope came to his mind. He remembered that he used to wear spectacles (which helped him to see things that were far away from him). This was the first sign that he could survive. He pressed on both eyes to see things clearly and then he realized that he was in a large swimming pool. The pool belonged to someone, but he didn’t know who. The moment came when he had to face his fear. He finally overcame his aquaphobia and went out of the pool by entering the water. He survived and again started living a normal life. His hunger for food, thirst for water, and perseverance helped him to overcome his water phobia and save his life.

The mystery for him was how he ended up in the water, and who was responsible for all this.

A boy who Hates only Dogs.

A boy named who Khetan hates dogs. He thinks they bark at people and bite them for no reason. He does not like to give them food or shelter. He wishes they would suffer and die whenever he hears them barking at him. 

So the story begins, When he was going somewhere, there was a heavy rainy day. He saw a small puppy that was wet and unable to move. When Khetan passed by, the puppy started to cry for help.

Khetan was about to ignore the puppy, but with a rude expression and behavior, he put the puppy in a safe place and then he went home. Some days later, when he passed the same place, the puppy ran toward him, hoping that Khetan would give him some food to eat. But he ignored the puppy and ran away from there. He encountered that puppy several times, but as always used to ignore him. As time passed, the puppy grew up, and Khetan still hated dogs. One day, when he was going the same way, the dog came (the same one that he had saved from the rain) and started showing affection for Khetan. In response, Khetan punched him and threw some biscuits rudely at the dog, and moved on.

There was an afternoon when Khetan was going to his office suddenly a dog came and started barking at him. He was terrified and frozen and was unable to do something. The street dog was about to bite him so brutally but another dog came and fought him off. The dog that saved Khetan was the same one that he had rescued from the rain when he was a small puppy. Khetan realized that he was wrong about all the dogs. He took that lovely dog home and decided to live with him forever. He no longer hated dogs, he became an animal lover.

One month later, he found that his dog had gone somewhere. He looked for him everywhere but he was unable to find him. It was a mystery for him how a dog came into his life and suddenly disappeared.


The funny part about this blog post is that I am trying to write a conclusion despite knowing that it is filled with content that can’t be concluded. Every mysterious short story has an open ending and each good reader may come up with different conclusions with own perspective. You can also find different conclusions. 

What I have started, you will finish it.

About The Author

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