5 Short Ghost Stories That Might Scare You While Reading


Short Ghost stories scary

When we read mystery stories we become curious, feel love when we read romance, and get scared when we read ghost stories. The horror genre is different from all the rest, it scares us not just once; every time we recall the scenes, we feel the fear again.It can be truly terrifying to remember those moments at midnight.

Despite knowing how ghost stories are scary, we deliberately read them over and over to feel the thrill.

We have collected the best ghost stories that are scary and will give you a true sense of horror, especially if you read them at midnight.

Darkness is one of the reasons we feel fear, while light helps us overcome it.

Best short ghost stories that are scary

Girl Dances Weirdly.

A man saw a girl who was dancing strangely on the road and doing terrible actions, she might be crazy or mentally disturbed, the man thought. When the man reached his home and opened his phone, he received a video message in which he saw himself dancing with the girl on the street with a strange smile and facial expressions.

This was the same girl whom he had seen on the road.

Girl’s Mother

In the middle of the night, a young girl wakes up to get a drink of water. As she goes to another room to get the water, she sees her mom coming out of her own room. Her mom says looking toward the girl’s room, “Love you, my daughter. Have a good sleep.” The girl gets scared, wondering whom her mom was just interacting with in the room. Her mom then goes back to her own room without acknowledging her daughter, who is left standing there.

When the little girl entered her room, she found no one else there, so she asked herself, “Whom is my mom playing with?

Road Accident

There is a man whose name is Rahul, he lives and works in the city and one day when he was going to the office, he saw a crowd trying to save a man who got injured in an accident., he decided to see him. When he reaches the injured man, the injured man dies. Rahul blames himself for the death, feeling responsible and unlucky.

One night, after reaching home and preparing for bed, he heard a voice from his bathroom,  just as he had seen on the road. When he opened the bathroom door, there was nothing there. He feels relax

When he went back to bed, but suddenly saw the same man who had died in the accident lying on his bed. Terrified, he looked again carefully, but the body was gone. He get terrified.

Rahul left that room and the place for forever because he kept hearing strange sounds of vehicles colliding and sometimes saw a dead body on his bed. This was the reason he left the room and the place forever. He ran from the ghost, but he would never escape from things that were in his mind.

Wife Death

A man was living happily with his wife but one day his wife died due to an accident falling from a building, he became lonely and started living his life alone. One day he decided to marry someone. So he finds a girl and marries that girl. Both of them are living their lives happily.

In the morning when he was about to go to his office, she kissed him awkwardly. At that time, he felt something different because when she kissed him, he realized that his late wife used to kiss him in the same way.

When he returns home and sits at the dinner table, his wife behaves like his late wife used to. Initially, he was confused, but he asked her about the change in her behavior. She becomes angry and yells at him, saying, “Just eat your food”. Now he gets scared.

The next day everything was normal, she was behaving normally but the man was still shocked, how she was behaving like his late wife and shouting at him.

He takes her to church and to see parapsychologists, but she seems normal. One day, when he returned home from the office, he found out that his wife was not at home. Then he got a call from his wife’s phone, and she said, “Your wife is waiting for you, come quickly.”

He went to a place where his wife had tragically died after falling from a building. The man was heartbroken to be in the same location where he lost his new wife again. As if that wasn’t enough, while he was hospitalized due to the shock of his wife’s death, he started hearing his first wife’s voice in his head. He could neither sleep nor rest. After some days he goes mad, he spends the rest of his life in the hospital.

Need Some water and food

Three were going on vacation trips in their own car. They were traveling at midnight. One of my friends found out that they had nothing to drink and eat. They knew that they would need water and food for the 1000 km journey. It was really difficult to find water in the middle of the journey. However, while they were driving, one of the friends saw a man selling water on the roadside. He was accompanied by his younger son.

They bought water and food from the shop then they thanked the seller and his son. When three friends asked the shopkeeper “Aren’t you afraid of selling goods at midnight”, he replied, “Actually, God assigned me to do this task. Whenever you do good work, it is always god work.” All three friend expressed their gratitude to the shopkeeper and then departed from the place.

A week later, when the three friends were returning from vacation, they saw that the shopkeeper’s shop had been burnt down. It seemed as if someone had done this deliberately. They all wondered who did this. When they returned to their home. A friend named Jack read in a newspaper that some goons had burnt down his shop and killed the shop owner, including his son.

Now Jack went to the burned place there he saw something terrific, he saw that some boys were beheaded and some were burned. All the corpses looked like those who killed the shopkeeper and burned his house including the son. After some time He heard a strange voice, he got scared and trembled, He tried to escape from that place but he couldn’t move a single step. Even he tried to yell but he failed. He saw the illusion that some shop owner killer getting killed by a man. He assumes that he is also about to die but a voice came from his back “You are safe but when i wasn’t safe I and my son were running a shop in midnight. But now i am safe with my son because  now i am with god”

Jack then realized the sound was the shopkeeper, he understood everything and moved away from that place safe. From that day, the place was cursed and no one ever tried to go with that place.

I am Fine and I will be free

A man named Jain always used to say this sentence “I am Fine and I will be free” Sometimes he says it out loud and sometimes in his mind. One day when he was going somewhere, he met a man who was repeating the same sentence like Jaine. Jain was a little confused as to how someone could say the same words that he had been repeating for years.

While he was thinking all such thoughts, a car came and brutally crushed the man who was repeating the same words as Jaine. Next day when he was having coffee with his friend he saw a man falling from the building, Jaine ran to see him, and when he saw him, he was also repeating the same words “I am Fine and I will be free” Free” but later he also died who fell from the building.

Now Jain understood something that he should stop saying these words otherwise he would also die, when he stopped saying these words he heard a strange voice in his mind “If you stop saying these you will definitely die

Jaine was in trouble about whether he should continue repeating those sentences or stop them. One day he stopped speaking these words, then after a few minutes he found himself on the railway track, he was about to crash through the rail, but he saved himself when he started speaking these words again. 

“I am fine and i will be free”

Check this out: Top 10 + Fantasy Story ideas with a twist

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