• bedtime short story for girlfriend

    Top 2 Bedtime Story for Girlfriend: Midnight Whisper

    We understand that you might have a girlfriend or someone you’re in love with and want to show her how much you love and care. Whether through thoughtful conversations or by giving her meaningful gifts, there are plenty of ways to show your love and appreciation.We personally believe that engaging in meaningful conversations with your…

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  • Short Ghost stories scary

    5 Short Ghost Stories That Might Scare You While Reading

    When we read mystery stories we become curious, feel love when we read romance, and get scared when we read ghost stories. The horror genre is different from all the rest, it scares us not just once; every time we recall the scenes, we feel the fear again.It can be truly terrifying to remember those…

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  • Romance Story Ideas

    Top 5+ Romance Story Ideas with a Twist

    Love doesn’t make you feel regretful and sad; it brings satisfaction, which is essential for a fulfilling life. People enjoy romance stories because we’ve all experienced love at some point in life. Some find love, others don’t. Even when you’re in a relationship with your partner, you still remember the person whom you used to…

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  • Writing Prompts for Fantasy

    Top 12+ Captivating Writing Prompts for Fantasy

    Ideas are really important when you are going to write something, be it horror, fantasy, comedy, etc. because sometimes a prompt is what helps in creating a big story like The Hunger Games, A Beautiful Mind, Harry Potter, Forrest Gump and many more. A writer who is fond of writing fantasy-like stories will definitely need…

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  • Ashwatthama - Kalki 2898 AD

    Ashwatthama Character Announcement- Kalki 2898 AD | Amitabh Bachchan

    If Aswathama is said in one line then death is its slave, Life is his enemy and his biggest companion till the end of time is pain and sorrow. This means that Aswathama is very dangerous and on this, the teaser announcement of Aswathama’s character has come. It looks good as per the budget and…

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    Top 10 + Fantasy Story ideas with a twist

    For me fantasy is considered Fun, it has no relation with reality, it is just fictional, in every aspect of life we want fantasy, be it fantasy story ideas, from a normal man to Superman, the world’s greatest hero. Powerful person, a time travel machine, having fun with the most beautiful girls in the world,…

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    Top 5 Most in Demand Tech Skills For students in 2024

    You want to make your life better but it starts with a decision. A wrong decision can ruin your life, while a right decision can enhance it. We are not talking about trivial decisions that we make on a daily basis , such as what to eat today or where to go for vacation. We…

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  • Reasons why you should do Digital detox1

    35 Reasons why you should do Digital detox in 2024

    You take a bath to remove dirt from your body, look good, and feel fresh. Similarly, it is also necessary to remove the mental garbage that can affect your peace and well-being. Every day, every hour every minute, you spend most of your time on a screen, such as using your phone, TV, playing games,…

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  • Top 5 Reasons Why do small businesses fail?

    Top 5 Reasons Why do small businesses fail?

    You would have seen the small businesses on the roadside, in a mall, or in a particular area,  they can’t be neglected. Small businesses are also one of the pillars that contribute to the economy. They are responsible for the job creation, better standard of living, and economic growth. However, not all small businesses indeed…

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  • Top 5 Business ideas to start in 2024

    Top 5 Business ideas to start in 2024

    One of the primary concerns for humans is ensuring their survival. They avoid taking risks that can make their life uncomfortable and unbalanced. That’s why they always prefer to do a 9 to 5 job instead of starting their own business. Normal People wish they could live a luxurious life and accomplish all the desires…

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About Me

Emily Parker

Fashion is a distinctive and often constant trend in the style in which a person dresses. It is the prevailing styles in behaviour.

Journey of Ziri

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